Webdevelopment (building websites)

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I'm a professional full stack web developer. I've built websites for some of the worlds most recognized brands. I've also taught programming at a college level.

If you want to learn how to build websites, I can get you to where you need to be. With technology more commonplace now than ever, having a website can increase your exposure and put you in contact with clients you might potentially be missing out on.

Technology in the caribbean has been growing at exponential rates and people are taking notice. Children as young as 8 are learning how to program and preparing for a future where opportunities will be abundant. If you have a child and wish to give them extra lessons geared towards programming then I can help.

I offer private lessons at 100TT an hour.

I also offer programs for 12 weeks, once a week for three hours. Each program builds on eachother and teaches the basics of how websites work and how to build them and progresses to advanced web programming languages where you will learn how to make websites interactive and also capture data, store it and then return it.

The 12 week programs are taught to small groups at a varied rate (depending on how many poeple sign up).

If you are interested in finding out more, don't hesitate to contact me.

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March 28th


125.00 TTD
